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Justice &
Quality - Denver


This project partners with the Globeville, Elyria-Swansea, Cole, and Clayton neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado to understand and address the disruption caused by the Central 70 highway reconstruction project and related neighborhood redevelopment.


Our National Science Foundation funded project will equip and train community members to use personal environmental sensors to monitor air pollution, and design a set of smartphone apps where they can report their daily experiences related to construction and pollution.


Get Involved


Please consider getting involved. We are currently recruiting neighborhood residents to use our smartphone application.


The data from this study will help us:

 1. Understand how community members are affected by planned environmental disruptions,

2. Address negative impacts of future planned disruptions, and

3. Connect policymakers to data generated by citizens within local communities.

Contact Us

As a community-engaged project, our top priority is that our research is responsive to residents in these communities. Please click here to reach out to our team with any requests, concerns, or questions.

GESC Community

The data will be available and shared back to community organizations and residents engaged as community scientists throughout the study.
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